Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008

f&art - a favourite book

f&art, Mahret Kupka ( und meine Lust auf ein schönes neues Buch brachten mich dazu dieses weblog zu eröffnen und ein Buch vorzustellen. :-)
I LOVE BOOKS, ich liebe Bilder und Ideen.

Für die, die es auch tun stelle ich folgendes Lieblingsbuch vor:

This book will change your life - Liebesbekundung

"365 daily instructions for hysterical living"
- so der Untertitel des Buches.

Dreihundertfünfundsechzig Seiten Anarchie, JEDE SEITE EINE EIGENE WELT.
Die Gestaltung nicht slick, nicht vorsichtig; hemmungslos. Geballte Kreativität, wild und roh; hysterisch.
Und irgendwie vielleicht ein Zeugnis postmoderner Verlorenheit.
Irgendwie aber auch ein Manifest der Lebensbewältigung und -Gestaltung.


Statements Anderer:

"Niemand der dieses Buch in der Hand hatte und es trotzdem nicht mag verdient mein Vertrauen."

"Es ist eine graphische Wundertüte der hinreißendsten Art."

"365 daily orders that can turn a humdrum existence into a daily free-fall."

"This book has the best page layout I've ever seen. Each page is uber-chic."

This book will change your life - Bilder und weitere Appetit-Statements


"Part instruction manual, part therapy, part religious cult, part sheer anarchy, This Book Will Change Your Life will help you poke a stick in the spokes of your routine. "

5.0 out of 5 stars 365 Days of comeday - Guaranteed, November 30, 2003
By K. Shutter (Rome, NY) - See all my reviews

I must say, the interior of this book is certainly what grabbed my attention at first.

Lots and LOTS of great graphics (some very sexually charged) and a light read, not a lot of wordy pages! A great book for the "non-reader".

Every page I have read int his book provides me with a great glimpse in how to live life to the fullest, and be carefree and light hearted, while still trying to make life a little better. The book is, as it promises, HYSTERICAL! Some of the activites are simpy hilarious, and will make you laugh at loud.

If you want a change from the regular self help fare, this is the book for you. A sense of humor is a prerequisite :)"

5.0 out of 5 stars Wacky guide for daily living, November 1, 2003
By Eileen Rieback (Coral Springs, FL USA) - See all my reviews

Move over, self-help guides! This humorous parody goes where no other book of its kind has gone before to lift you from your humdrum life. Each illustrated and eye-catching page gives a wacky daily suggestion,..."

"...The book is wonderfully laid out with a variation of design that makes for delicious eye candy and draws the eye in throughout the book. It's a great deal of fun and would be perfect as a silly gift..."

4.0 out of 5 stars Inspiration!, October 2, 2007
Hilariously unique book. ... "

5.0 out of 5 stars Ridiculously funny!, September 14, 2006
By Stacey M Smith (Fredericksburg, TEXAS) - See all my reviews
It's kind of like MTV's JACKASS for readers. I had passed on buying this book several times - but finally gave into my juvenile whims! It is silly and crazy ..."

"It will make you stop taking yourself so darn seriously. ... This book will show you how to tattoo a banana (it's actually pretty cool!) and suggest you "return to childhood" for a day. There is even a handy 'pregnancy test' in the book, just in case you might need it. While most of these activites will suceed in making you laugh, a few are serious (or semi-serious) and are the ones that truly might change your life. "Introduce yourself to someone you know but never speak to," "Destroy all bad photos" to release the bad karma,"Treasured Memories Day," and Day 136 is truly the most important of all. Trust me, if you only "do" one day, make it Day 136, before it's too late. This book is wonderful. I've already bought copies for 3 people!"

"This humorous parody goes where no other book of its kind has gone before to lift you from your humdrum life. Each illustrated and eye-catching page gives a wacky daily suggestion"